Christ Our Redeemer Lutheran Church
37 Warner Avenue
Jersey City NJ 07305
Rev. Dianne Lewis, Vice Pastor
Worship at Christ Our Redeemer
We are delighted that you are worshiping today at Christ Our Redeemer Lutheran Church. May your experience with God here be a blessing! Each week, you can expect to experience singing, prayers, a children's message, Holy Communion, maybe some laughter or tears, and some good news about Jesus the Christ. Often, there are light refreshments after service - please join us and be welcomed. At the table of the Lord's Supper, all are welcome, as Jesus is the Host who invites all.
We worship in person and on Zoom at 9:30 am each Sunday. Most of the service is printed in a bulletin, with songs coming from a hymnal which you'll find where you sit. For those on Zoom, weekly bulletins will be posted for you to follow along.
ACCESS FOR ALL: While we stand often during the service, please assume a posture of reverence which you are able or comfortable. A wheelchair accessible restroom is located in the Parish Hall through the kitchen. If you’d like Communion brought to your seat, our Pastor will gladly assist you. Activity bulletins are available for young worshipers (see ushers or Pastor).
How do I find worship music?
ELW = Evangelical Lutheran Worship (the red book in your seat)
LBW = Lutheran Book of Worship (the green book in your seat)
AAH = African American Heritage Hymnal (the beige book in your seat)
Worship Bulletins
Worship bulletin for 2nd Sunday of Easter: April 7, 2024 (.PDF version)
Worship bulletin for Pentecost Sunday: May 19, 2024 (.PDF version)
Worship bulletin for 10th Sunday after Pentecost, July 28, 2024 (.PDF version)
What is a "lectionary"?
Each week, our Bible readings are taken from what we call a "lectionary", which is a 3-year series of readings for weekly worship. It always begins after Thanksgiving with the season of Advent, four weeks before Christmas Day. For each weekend worship or a festival day, there are 3 readings: usually a Gospel reading, an Old Testament reading, and a New Testament reading. This lectionary was created by The Consultation on Common Texts, an ecumenical (across denominations) group of leaders from the US and Canada. The lectionary that we share is referred to as the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL).
Each year of the Revised Common Lectionary centers on one of the synoptic Gospels — Matthew, Mark and Luke, with the Gospel of John spread throughout these three years, especially in Year B. The years are referred to as Year A (Matthew), Year B (Mark) and Year C (Luke). We rotate through the three years, then start all over again with Year A.
You can read through the attached list to see what upcoming worship readings will be, so that you may study and pray over these at home.
Revised Common Lectionary, Year B (2023-2024)
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